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Monday, January 15, 2007

IE7 Reaches 100 Million

Arrow 2On Friday Microsoft reached a milestone for their newest internet browser Internet Explorer 7. Internet Explorer 7 experienced its 100 millionth installation on Friday. This milestone makes Microsoft's newest browser the second most used behind IE6. WebSideStory the company Microsoft uses to monitor web browser usage reported that 25 percent of all Web surfers in the United States are now using IE7.

On the other side of the fence Firefox has 70 million to 80 million users as of October 2006 according to Mozilla Vice President of Products Christopher Beard. I tried to reach Mozilla this afternoon for an update and have not heard back at this time. If I receive an update I will let you know.

Microsoft plans to release information on Internet Explorer 8 at the company's MIX conference on April 30, 2007. While Mozilla has already launched a public beta for Firefox 3.0 also known as Gran Paradiso which can be downloaded here.

This has been your daily dose of eNews

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