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Saturday, January 13, 2007

One Number For Life

Arrow 2I stumbled on the greatest service in the world. This service is known as one number for life from GrandCentral. This service is very easy to sign up and while it is in beta the service is free. Well you may be wondering what this service is and why it is so great. Most people have at least three phone numbers, a cell, home, and work phone numbers. This can get to be a real hassle so why not just have one number. Using GrandCentral you can register for one phone number and have it call up six phone numbers at once. In addition, an even better feature is that the number you choose will never change. If you do want to change the number because you are receiving too many calls unwanted calls or you are like me and they now have the area code you want it is a very easy process to change the number.

Ability to set ring back tones so people hear music instead of dialing

Beyond the One Number For Life feature you also get the ability to screen your calls, block callers, switch phones mid-call, voicemail, and the ability to record calls from anywhere in the world. I especially love the last feature. Currently you can only get a phone number with the area codes of most popular cities in 35 different states but they are expanding their database every day.

Settings menu to configure phone numbers

Check this service out and try it.
Go to http://www.grandcentral.com and sign up.

As always, this has been your daily dose of eNews.Arrow

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